Dedicated American Red Cross Volunteer and healthcare professional Dennis Stolpner features the current critical need for platelet donations:
The American Red Cross is doing their absolute best to prevent a blood shortage. But it has been an incredibly difficult challenge that has mostly been an uphill battle. Longtime volunteer, Dennis Stolpner has been covering the critical need for specific blood types, platelets and more throughout 2022. And while we have made tremendous progress since the difficulties of the pandemic, the ARC still needs your help — and fast!
There has been a concerning drop in the amount of blood and platelet donations provided to the American Red Cross this summer. The organization is desperate for these donations, as a lack of donations can lead to less lives saved. Please consider donating to an ARC drive near you both now and in the future. Dennis Stolpner urges you to remember that these contributions are always needed and appreciated, not just when there is a critical need being faced.