The Heartland chapter of the American Red Cross has released a statement reminding the residents of Heartland that preparedness is crucial in the wake of spring’s severe storms. Disaster relief volunteer, Dennis Stolpner discusses:
Tornados and other natural disasters are anticipated in the Heartland area this spring. Calling to action in advance, the Red Cross is working diligently to assemble volunteers ahead of time. The organization is also releasing information to help residents prepare for potential weather hazards. Recently, a statement was released via KFVS12 that reminds families of the importance of preparing a plan for when disaster should strike. A tip Dennis Stolpner recommends is to have an interior room, basement or storm cellar outfitted with what you need (i.e. radio for news, food, etc.). A disaster relief volunteer himself, Stolpner also encourages others to sign up for potential volunteer efforts in advance, to make tending to potential disasters easier when any should arise.