Now, more than ever, the American Red Cross needs your help. And that help is needed in the form of blood donations. Volunteer Dennis Stolpner discusses the unfathomable shortage that the ARC is currently enduring:
Across the country, the American Red Cross is experiencing the worst blood donation shortage that the organization has seen in more than 10 years. That’s right: a whole entire decade and then some. From COVID restrictions to health crises experienced all around, blood donors just aren’t showing up to the blood drives being held by the ARC. Right now, the organization is seeing a 10% decrease in donations. It might not sound like a lot: but it is, especially when you consider the fact that more than 40% of the country’s blood supply comes from blood donations received by the American Red Cross.
Dennis Stolpner urges you to consider donating blood this year — whenever and wherever you are located. Red Cross chapters across the country are in need of your blood donations. So please, consider changing a life by saving a life. All it takes is an action to donate your blood to make a major difference in these trying times.